Report on the humanitarian actions of IBSSA-AHTB Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic

The IBSSA Anti-Human Trafficking Bureau - Serbia, with the leadership of Mr. Željko Gajić, Director for European Operations, and with the devoted work of Ms. Maja Raković, in cooperation with the organization “Border Free” and its director, Mr. Samir Shalabi visited a number of endangered families in Belgrade municipalities of Palilula, Grocka and Rakovica on three separate dates of their humanitarian actions: 5th, 12th and 14th May 2020.

Large quantities of packages with basic foodstuffs, nutrition, household chemicals, protective equipment, face masks and gloves, as well as immune-boosting preparations from the Todoxin product range were donated and delivered to all these vulnerable families.

The humanitarian action to assist helpless families was supported by the City Municipalities of Belgrade and their presidents, Aleksandar Jovičić (Palilula), Živadinka Avramović (Grocka) and Vladan Kocić (Rakovica), to whom we would like to express our thanks and appreciation for their kind support and cooperation.

28th May 2020