00311 - Report on the IBSSA International Sport Federation President's visit in the USA (2005 July 18)


The President of IBSSA International Sport Federation - Dr. Ron KLUGER has been invited by the President of AAU Karate Program - Mr. Joe B. MIRZA as official guest of the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union of the USA - National Karate Program) Nationals 2005.

This year's AAU National was held in the beautiful city of Lakeland, Florida. The AAU Nationals is a huge exemplary event of over 6000 sportsmen week long gathering. The first two days are for education (clinics, lectures, meetings) and the rest of the days are the National Championships. The clinics and the lectures has been executed by the world leading Master Teachers of the Karatedo -Mikami Sensei (Shotokan), Kotaka Sensei (Shito ryu), Mirza Sensei (Shotokan), Merriman Sensei and Kluger Sensei (Goju ryu), Saito Sensei (Shito ryu), Oshiro Sensei (Ryurei ryu), George Kotaka, Elisa Au and Christofer Pinna world Champions and others. Over 1400 participants in the world class clinics.

During the event Dr. Kluger held several meetings with Mr. Joe B. Mirza IBSSA ISF Pan American President, and reached agreement concerning full cooperation for hosting IBSSA Congress, IBSSA - ISF world Martial Arts Convention and AAU Nationals 2006 in MIAMI, USA during July 2006.

Dr. Kluger had also numerous important meetings with senior Police officers concerning future development of IBSSA activities within the USA and especially in Hawaii.

During the great event Mr. Joe B. MIrza has been conferred as Doctor of Philosophy - Budo Leadership and Education. Dr. J. B. Mirza the legendary leader of AAU Karate Program published AAU and International Budo Academy will fully cooperate in a project of creating a full educational system to assist and strengthen Martial Art Teachers in Pan America.


18th July 2005