IBSSA ISF runs special Krav Maga course for FESIK Italia (2004 December)

Dr. Rony KLUGER ran a special course of his self-defence method for FESIK Italia Instructors within his activities for IBSSA ISF. The course took place in the beautiful city of Trieste. This was the first official course within the frame of FESIK and the next step will be in January 2005, the National Stage of FESIK Self Defence Committee, which is leaded by Maestro Remo GRASSETTI, Davide BOCCI and Fabio BIANCUCCI and honoured by FESIK President Maestro Carlo HENKE.

Dr. Rony Kluger

General Secretary of IBSSA
Chairman of Education and Qualification Department of IBSSA
President of IBSSA International Sport Federation