HQ News - Budapest, 28th May 2004

ibssa ibssa

In the recent past the Hungarian and
the international media dealt quite a lot with a bodyguard, who was arrested
in Gambia. In consideration of the facts that H.E. Colonel (RTD) Yahya
A.J.J. JAMMEH - President of the Republic of The Gambia - is the Honorary
Vice President of IBSSA for the African Continent, and that Mr. Imre
GYÖRFI - Member of IBSSA - did business in Gambia in the field of
security, Mr. Györfi was appointed Regional Representative of IBSSA
for Gambia.

According to our information not long ago the National Intelligence
Agency (NIA) arrested Mr. Imre GYÖRFI by a malicious accusation,
which said that he had been in cahoots with the politicians of UDP opposition
party. In his opinion his life was in danger. As His Excellency Prof.
Dr. George POPPER - President of IBSSA became aware of this matter, he
sent a fax message and asked for help from H.E. Colonel (RTD) Yahya A.J.J.
JAMMEH - President of the Republic of The Gambia in order to make clear
this case and to discharge Mr. Imre GYÖRFI. However no reply arrived
to the fax message, Mr. Györfi was released - but his passport was
taken away from him. Soon after the 2nd letter (sent by fax again) and
because of the objection of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affaires
Mr. Imre GYÖRFI got back his passport and he was allowed of leaving
the country.

By this time the international and the Hungarian media (press, TV stations)
already reported about the case in significant extent, and the following
steps were taken by others in order to rescue and extricate Mr. Imre

  1. The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affaires took the necessary diplomatic
    steps through its embassy in Nigeria
  2. IBSSA contacted the President of Gambia (2 fax messages) and took
    measures to send Mr. Imtiaz Abdulla in the country if necessary
  3. An international lawyer from the Batthyány Association in
    Austria was on his way to Gambia to defend Mr. Györfi
  4. A Hungarian UN security volunteer (UNAMSIL) arrived to safeguard
    Mr. Györfi
  5. The Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Association disclosed information,
    which proves that Mr. Imre GYÖRFI is innocent; he had no contacts
    with the opposition party. Mr. Deen - President of the Mahatma Gandhi
    Human Rights Association stated, that the support given to some opposition
    politicians to leave Gambia was not organised by Mr. Györfi, but
    by the Mahatma Gandhi organisation!
  6. Numerous IBSSA teams were set up (by Mr. János LAUB, and Dr.
    József POLYÁK) and they were ready to travel to Gambia
    at their own expense in order to help Mr. Imre GYÖRFI. But His
    Excellency Prof. Dr. George POPPER - President of IBSSA asked them
    to wait hoping the success of governmental and other international

IBSSA also informed its Honorary members - exalted personages and asked
for their help and support in any way.

As a result of a well-coordinated diplomatic and other actions Mr. Imre
GYÖRFI - the Hungarian bodyguard, and IBSSA Representative was successfully
escaped from Gambia. His first press conference was on the 27th May 2004
in Wien at Hotel Sacher, and now finally he arrived home.

We would like to express out thanks for the support and help to:

  • H.E. Colonel (RTD) Yahya A.J.J. JAMMEH - President of the Republic
    of The Gambia
  • Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affaires
  • Batthyány Association
  • Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Association
  • Mr. Imtiaz ABDULLA
  • Mr. Tony BROWN (USA) - Man of the Year 2003 in the USA, for his intervention
    in this case

And also many thanks for those people and other organisations, who helped
or intended to help Mr. Imre GYÖRFI.


Budapest, 28th May 2004