Report on the IBSSA Training Course Arad / Romania  (2003.January 4-9)


The IBSSA Training Course was held between 4 - 9 January 2003 in Arad / Romania in the organization of Dr. Constantin BUZATU - 2nd Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of IBSSA, Country Representative of IBSSA for Romania and General Manager of Arcons Security Co. Besides the IBSSA Instructors from Italy and Israel many other officials, teachers, Instructors and participants were present from Italy, Romania and Hungary.

"The baptism between public and private"

In the east, as well as in the west, the relations - not only technical - with the forces of public order (police), the other security forces (gendarmerie) and the private societies, who manage security, have never been idyllic. The imagination of working together on the training aspect as well as on the operative one, until not long ago, could seem utopian if not even impossible.

Yes, certainly some people of public extraction have shyly approached to the IBSSA training courses, but only in some isolated cases. What happened in Arad from 4th to 9th January 2003 - in the organization of Dr. Constantin BUZATU, President of IBSSA Romania (Lucian Blaga nr 1 2900 Arad, Romania) and General Manager of the Arcons Security Co. - can be considered a real baptism between the public and the private. Its enough to see the number: more than 100 participants and we already have a reality of the moment and of the diligence.

Granted that the new Romanian law about "security", passed in November 2002, starts off to a new prospect for all who operate in this sector, moreover it allows to the public structure, police, gendarmerie, SPP, etc, to compare technically with the private agencies.

These last ones can use facilities and experts for a complete training and inside all the complex fields that the word "security" includes, according to knowledge - not an interpretation - of the state law in force. The international training team of IBSSA made up of the Italian trio Roberto GOBBI (Course chief), Roberto DE RONZI and Giacomo Spartaco BERTOLETTI and of the Israeli Rony KLUGER, hit the mark with a highly professional and technical choice of the four basic subjects: dynamic shooting, fast driving, escort and self defence with the addition of some Israeli Krav Maga components.

During the official dinners, at the presence of the Prefect Vasile Dan UNGUREANU, the Mayor of Arad - Popa DOREL and the most important civil and military authorities of the region and of Timisoara, starting with General Constantin RADOI - Commander of the Gendarmerie of Banato, Colonel Alexandru KIS - Chief of the Gendarmerie of Arad, Colonel Morar MIRCEA of the private agency Security and the Chief Inspector of the Police in Arad - Colonel Nicolae GUDIU, the Executive President of IBSSA - Sir George POPPER, nowadays also general of the Hungarian Civil Guard that is currently being formed, expressed his maximum satisfaction for a reality that goes beyond the expectations.

Press, as well as regional, national, state TV featured this historical chapter for the international security and the best functioning of the public and private facilities that will have to be ready in 2006 with the entrance of Romania in the United Europe.

It will be not easy to go over the success of Constantin BUZATU and, in any case, if that could happen, the "baptism" between public and private will remain his, in an atmosphere of real and precise mutual cooperation.

Prof. Giacomo Spartaco BERTOLETTI
1st Vice President of IBSSA