00470 - Report of IBSSA - USA 10.09.2008

Report of IBSSA-USA
August 2008

Curtain Counties of USA See Unprecedented Number of Bank Robberies

As professionals, we are all, kind of "excited" to report that it looks like the present fact will really on the way to prove our "security forecast" of the future in the US (and usually all around the world), but at the same time we are also sorry and sad to report the following statistics just came out, - because it hits us, everyday people, may even our direct family members and loved ones could be exposed to it, which we just hope it will never happen with us. I would say, it is up to us (the professionals), we have a big duty heading us to prevent this as well.

Detectives said they've never seen so many bank robberies over the course of a single month. Curtain Counties’ authorities say they've seen an unprecedented number of bank robberies in the month of August.

For example, ten (10) banks in one single county have been robbed in less than a month, a trend that has detectives warning banks to tighten up their security systems. Some of the banks (we do not name any of them here for reasons) last week urged themselves to pump up security and telling people to be cautious. When people pull up to an ATM or enter a bank, let they be very aware, be observant and make sure they don't get into an uncomfortable situation.

A Sergeant of the Sheriff's Office said they are working around the clock to investigate a string of recent bank robberies. He said the office has never seen such a crime spree before. He thinks people are getting the idea because they've seen several bank robberies happen and it's in the news and the people initially get away with it.

Last year - in this same county, - there were only 13 bank robberies for the entire year. This year, there have already been 18.

Detectives also said, the bank robberies are not connected and that they appear to be the work of different people. So far, they've arrested five suspects in this month's robberies.

They say there are more on the run, but there is a good chance that they will be caught. They have a high arrest rate when dealing with bank robberies. Out of the 18 bank robberies committed this year, deputies have arrested 14 suspects. Last year, they caught 12 suspects in the 13 reported robberies.

They also said that, with some help from the public, law enforcement office would be able to solve these cases and put an end to the unusual crime spree.

At the end, we would like to lift one thing out more then anything else. Even in the high statistics of this negative subject, where we may will even see more and more of this unpleasant activities before it may gets better (also, because as a result of the present US market and economy situation, may more and more people gets desperate to "survive") and as part of this prevention, we just hope, banks will see the same fact, they will need to put more efforts on the safety of the employees, costumers and of the public in general. We just hope, when we go to them with a possible solution to offer (physical security at branches), we will not get the same answer which we were facing with a lot, "We have our security system in place, .. ,all we use is security cameras, .. our area is safe"). Only one suggestion for those respected officers of the banks who may have the responsibility of the judgment of having (or not) a physical security at locations, .. you may not feel the real benefits of having and using physical security services until, .. it might be too late without one.

Tamás Török
Secretary General of IBSSA-USA

Hallandale Beach, Florida