Statutes of the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA) Regulated by the French Parliament act of 01.07.1901, amended and unified by the resolution of 16.08.1901, founded by the association and its joining members. NominationEnglish: International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA). French: International Bodyguard Sécurite Service Association (IBSSA). Taskdesignation and authority Directed and administered worldwide all forms of the training of Bodyguards and security services. The IBSSA is not a political Body / Association, and rejects all kind of discrimination. Legal positionNon-governmental, non-profit international organization and legal entity established for unlimited period. HeadquartersMr. George POPPER Executive President Dr. Rony KLUGER, KM General Secretary Any transfer possible by the decision of the Board of Directors of IBSSA only. Aims / purposesThe mission of the IBSSA is to train and educate worldwide their operating members (or possible members) in the security and bodyguard sphere, and at the same time active and decisive participation in the international bodyguard activity. The IBSSA makes every effort worldwide to Encourage / promote the good relationship between the member organizations and the persons involved. Defend / protect the interests of the Bodyguards working/operating in the profession. Organize training courses and introduce/generalize new techniques in order to develop and reinforce the standards of the Bodyguard and security sphere. Official languagesThe official languages of the IBSSA are English and In case of differences, the authentic English is determinative. DeterminationAll states, countries or territories that considered by the IBSSA may participate in the activity of the IBSSA. DisputesThe court of arbitration in Paris can determine finally every debate, which could not be settled in a peaceful way and emerges from the interpretation of the statute. The parties bone fide undertake and accept the obligations stipulated in the statute, and enforce the law. Basic principles concerning the IBSSA membershipAll Body, association, society and individuals, which are, can be full member of the IBSSA, which are qualified. The admission and exclusion of the IBSSA members fall within the competence of the Board of Directors. The determination of temporary membership is also the Board of Directors full competence. Every member of the IBSSA is obliged to fill the requirements / specifications of the statute. Those Associations and societies wishing to join in the IBSSA, without request must to present full and detailed information about the activity, nature, standards and the structure of their company/firm. The congress of IBSSA
Candidatures validity of congresses and votingThe representatives of IBSSA member companies or organizations, individual members and the founders of IBSSA who intend to present their candidatures for one of the IBSSA offices must comply with the following formalities;
The Congress shall decide by majority vote. The voting shall be done generally by the show of hands or by roll call. for elections and questions of particular importance or delicacy or when ever at least half of the congressman shall demand it, voting shall be by secret ballot. The president or in his absence the senior Vice President shall have a casting vote except in elections. In case of the votes being equal the candidate with longer membership in IBSSA shall be elected Board of DirectorsThe corporate leading Board of Directors of IBSSA shall be consisting of; Executive President and four directors (Board of Directors) The Board of Directors shall be directed the affairs of the IBSSA, and represent in conform of the statute. The Executive President and the members of the Board of Directors may exclusively be natural persons. The Board of Directors has the right to make decision in all cases, which are not under the legal law, or other organizations statute. The Executive President and members of the Board of Directors (hereinafter collectively referred to as: Members of the Board of Directors) are elected for five years period, and they can be reelected or removed from their positions at any time. Annually the Board of Directors shall hold his sessions minimum once, but at the request of the chairman, or the majority of the Board of Directors could initiate a session or assembly. in case of certain reasons the session could not be held, letter, fax or telegrams could make the decisions too. All of the Board of Directors resolutions shall be passed by a majority of votes. n case of an even number of voters cast, the chairmans vote is the decisive. Those Board of Directors sessions considered valid, where minimum 50 % of the Board of Directors members were participated. In case of the chairmans absence, the vice-chairman leads the session of the Board of Directors. Honorary President and Honorary MembersThe Honorary President and Honorary Members are appointed by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Executive President and approved by the Congress. The selection must be made from a list of prominent persons operating for the benefit of security worldwide. The Executive PresidentThe Executive President represents IBSSA for all purposes and presides over all the Bodies and Offices, Convenes the Congresses and meetings of IBSSA. The Executive President is responsible for the affairs of IBSSA pursuant to the Statues. In case of a temporary absence or impediment, the Executive President can delegate functions and powers, entirely or partially, to one of the IBSSA officers Vice-presidentFurthermore the Board of Directors may appoint and relieve Vice-president from the active members of the Board of Directors. The Vice-president assists the President, and substitutes him in case of absentia. General SecretaryThe General Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from the members of the board of directors. he has to carry out the ordinary tasks of the General Secretary and keep the communication with the members generally and worldwide. Upon the suggestion of the General Secretary, the Board of Directors could appoint a Managing Director who has no right to vote, but participate in the sessions of the Board of Directors. His main task to prepare minutes, summaries and reports of the activities of the IBSSA. For finances the Executive President and the General Secretary are responsible. The Executive Committee is composed of the Board of;
Technical CommitteeThe technical committee shall be appointed and relieved by the chairman. Its a honorary commission and the purpose to give advises. Basic principal financial conditionsThe Executive President and the General Secretary are responsible for the treasury of the IBSSA, and for the systematically and permanent accounting/audit. The fiscal year is counted from 1st of January till 31st of December. an independent auditor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a fiscal year to make the necessary international financial supervision and annual report. The incoming of the IBSSA originated from the paid membership-fees, training courses and any other earnings including presents, legacy, grants, gifts, and donations. The use of the financial fundsThe use of the financial funds can be covering all expenses of the IBSSA activity including the current expenses, charges of the staff and other overhead costs. The responsibility of the IBSSA towards non-membersThe IBSSA in compliance with his obligations shall undertake his engagements for any third party. The members of the Board of Directors in person could not held responsible for any debt and liability of the IBSSA. General principlesAny modification of the present statute could be made only with the 2/3 majorities of the votes. DissolutionIn case of the dissolution and liquidation of the IBSSA, the financial funds of the IBSSA musts be granted for a caritas organization. The present for of the IBSSA Statue was updated at 15th March 2000 and contains all the amendments adopted by the former IBSSA Congresses. |
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